Categories: Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Stalker Alert

Domestic Violence Stalker Alert


Timely receipt of information about the location of a perpetrator is critical to helping victims of domestic violence stay safe.

Developed by STOP, Stalker Alert warns victims on the proximity of the perpetrator by using GPS technology, mobile zones and nationwide cell phone service.  Victims carry this small, lightweight device with them at all times to help them know when the enrollee is nearby.

Victims of domestic violence use Stalker Alert to receive information about the proximity of the enrollee (defendant/offender) to themselves.

Stalker Alerts uses GPS technology, mobile proximity zones and cellular phone networks to warn victims when the enrollee is nearby.

A mobile proximity zone moves with the victim and its size is based on the protectionorder issued by the court.  This same zone is assigned to the enrollee as an exclusion zone in VeriTracks.

Exclusion zones are geographic areas the enrollee is prohibited from entering at all times.  If an enrollee violates the victim’s mobile proximity zone, Stalker Alert performs two actions simultaneously:

It begins emitting an audible tone alerting the victim of the enrollee’s proximity and it sends a text message to the victim’s cell phone warning of the zone violation.

The enrollee’s supervising agent/officer inputs victim information into the enrollee’s records in VeriTracks, including the Stalker Alert device’s serial number and the victim’s mobile proximity zone.

Stalker Alert is always used in conjunction with a BluTag device and most often given to victims of domestic violence.

How Stalker Alert Works

The victim is given a Stalker Alert device and instructed to carry it around
at all times in a briefcase or handbag or attach it to the victim’s belt or

The perpetrator’s supervising agent creates a circular mobile
exclusion zone around the victim, which moves with the victim.

The size of the zone is based on the order of protection. Because this is an exclusion
zone, the perpetrator cannot enter it without immediately setting off a
violation notification.

> Small, lightweight device uses GPS technology, mobile exclusion zones and
nationwide cell phone networks to communicate with the victim, supervising
agent and law enforcement officials.

> Operates for at least 48 hours on a single charge and the battery recharges in one
hour every 24 hours.

> Even while charging the battery, the device continuously monitors the proximity
of the perpetrator.

For more information on using Stalker Alert please contact Offender Monitoring Solutions.


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